inwebco ibexa / Page Builder Features

inwebco has extended and configured ibexa and Page Builder with a variety of functions as well as integrations from 3rd party software

inwebco / Tourismus Lösung / inwebco ibexa / Page Builder Features

With the Page Builder, ibexa offers a tool for creating landing pages within the Ibexa Content Management System. The Page Builder allows an editor to select a layout for a landing page, which defines the layout of the landing page. Within the selected layout it is then possible to place and arrange teasers. The content displayed in the teaser can be added in the Page Builder via a corresponding input mask. The input fields are individual for each teaser, depending on the requirements for the teaser.

We have used the accumulated experience of our projects and added some powerful enhancements to ibexa with Page Builder. These range from the implementation of common technologies, to the optimization of configurations or technical developments.


System environment


eZ Platform

Page Builder

3rd Party Integrationen

Page Analysis

Series of blog articles on the enhanced inwebco eZ Platform / Page Builder solution.

After realizing first projects with this new technology, we realized the enormous potential of Page Builder through some useful extensions. We made it our business to design and implement these visions. We would like to present the extensions so far in this series of entries in our blog.